Publishing Your Web Site Using Frontpage 2000, 2002

1. Open your web site in Frontpage 2000.

2. On the menu bar, choose File, then select Publish Web.

3. The Publish Web dialog box will open.

4. Click on the Options button, and additional options will appear in the window.

5. In box below Specify the location to publish your site to: enter the full URL for your site.

6. If this is the first time you are publishing your site, select Publish all pages...

7. Check Include subwebs.

8. Click the Publish button.

The Name and Password Required dialogue box will open. You will need to fill out the following forms with the relevant information.
Name: This is the user ID assigned to you by Helm CP
Password: This is the password that you designated.

If you have entered all the information correctly, Frontpage 2000 will publish your web site. You will see a confirmation dialog box when it has finished.
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