There was a major virus and security attack orchestrated globally on Friday morning called WannaCrypt that you may have heard about in the news over the weekend. The attack and subsequent ransomware virus could have caused serious damage to either our hosting servers and/or our customers' website and hosting data if they were not protected. As a result of the attacks on Friday morning we have been going through our network to make sure all of our servers have received the proper security patches from Microsoft and have been restarted to apply the security updates. So we have had to do lots of patch installing and server restarting to ensure everything on both our end and our customers' servers has been patched and protected.

Those server restarts to apply the new security patches may have caused some of our customers' websites or services to be briefly unavailable either Friday or over the weekend. We greatly apologize for any inconvenience that may have caused for any of our customers.

Our top priority is ensuring that all of our customers' data and services are protected. The vast majority of servers have already received the update but we will continue to go through all of our servers, including both our own internal servers as well as customers' virtual servers, to make sure they have all received the security patch and required restart. As a result it is possible there could still be very brief moments of service interruption due to server restarts to finalize these security updates.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the security patches being deployed or the WannaCrypt Ransomware please contact our Support Staff via support ticket or phone using the information provided just below.

Submit a Support Ticket:

Customer Support Office:
9 am - 6 pm EDT, Monday - Friday

Montag, Mai 15, 2017

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